Options Webinar Recording Available
If you were interested in viewing Paul Madison's webinar, "Options, A Tool for The Fundamental Investor" last Sunday but were unable to attend, the recording has now been posted at the InvestEd Inc. website. You can access it using this link:

It was a very good webinar showing how the same fundamental research you are using to evaluate stocks can provide you with an opportunity to earn some short term income also.

It is free to access the webinar. If you are not currently a subscriber to the InvestEd free monthly newsletter, your email address will be added to their mailing list when you access the recording.

As a bonus, you'll find on the same page, links to all of the recent InvestEd Inc. webinar recordings and presentations. There is a lot of great material there to learn from and use for your investment club meetings.

Laurie Frederiksen
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