Performance Benchmark report
I have to do a club presentation on IRR. I am putting
together slides based on Laurie's Benchmarking presentation.
At the bottom of the benchmark report are 3 numbers in bold.
The number in the investments column is the total cash
invested. The number in the VFINX shares column is the
total shares of VFINX. I do not know what the number in the
returns column is. Laurie's presentation (slide 8) says it
is the ending market value of the benchmark investment.
The ending market value is clearly labeled in the line just
above. The two values do not match. Right now my
presentation says " I do not know what this value is and I
am waiting for an answer from bivio support." I hope to get
an answer by Tuesday, my deadline.
Dear Linda,

You are right. The number above the middle number is the ending market value of the benchmark investment. I have my circle in the wrong place on the slide. The number at the absolute bottom of the column is the total cash flow out of the benchmark investment during the time period covered by the report. The final market value is considered a cash flow out for the purposes of the IRR calculation.

Laurie Frederiksen
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Will the error be corrected in the pdf? I use the pdfs for
reference. Will catching any mistakes in the club cafe
presentations earn me any bivio bucks :)
Dear Linda,

You get a gold star. :)


I've posted the corrected PDF. In the portfolio discussed in the presentation the total cash flow out and the ending value of the benchmark investments were the same because there had been no withdrawals from that club.

On Sun, Jul 17, 2011 at 11:55 PM, Linda Lee <> wrote:
Will the error be corrected in the pdf? I use the pdfs for
reference. Will catching any mistakes in the club cafe
presentations earn me any bivio bucks :)

Laurie Frederiksen
Invest with your friends!

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