Cash Flow and Sysco
Cash flow information can give you clues to future earnings than you won't get from an income statement or earnngs per share number. Research has shown that discrepancies between cash flow information and income statement accrual based information can provide meaningful insight into future stock returns. If you're interested in learning more about cash flow, join us Thursday, June 9 at 8:30PM ET for the June Club Meeting Meeting where it will be the subject of our educational topic.

A cash flow statement is one of the basic financial reports. We'll help you get oriented so you can find some simple and useful pieces of information on them. We'll use recent Sysco cash flow statements as an example of the type of "story" you can put together if you familiarize yourself with some of the information they provide.

As always, the webinar is free and everyone is invited. Register now at

Laurie Frederiksen
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