Account fallen out of sync
Our bank account has fallen out sync with our Bivio account
and I need to get the bank balance corrected. I can't
figure out how to enter an adjusting amount to the bank
balance without attributing it to a member or another
account. Is this possible to do?
Dear Robert,

If your bivio balances do not agree with your bank statement balance, you should use a reconciliation process to find out what caused the problem. Once you find it, you will be able to determine the best way to fix it.

Reconciliation is an important part of a treasurers job. If you do it monthly, it goes very quickly and and problems are easy to find and fix. If your accounts are off for years or off by significant amounts, you may have big tax issues you are going to have to face. It's not just something a treasurer should be concerned about. All club members should make sure they are comfortable that what is being reported to them agrees with club brokerage and bank statements.

We outline the steps you should go through in more detail in a presentation we did about reconciliation: You can find it here:

We'll also be discussing it during our Treasurer Training webinar this Sunday. Everyone is invited. You can register to join us at

Laurie Frederiksen
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