Investment Club-friendly Discount Brokerage?
We've been struggling with getting reimbursed for expenses
by our brokerage house. See, we don't have a checking
account in our club's name (too expensive for our small
group) and we cannot get wire transfers or checks made out
to any other name than our club's. Can you tell me how your
club handles this? How do you pay members who leave,
reimburse postage expenses, etc? Thanks, Kimberly
Dear Kimberly,

There are brokers such as TDAmeritrade which will provide you free checking along with your brokerage account. That gives you a lot of flexibility and only one account to track in bivio.

Or, you can have members pay club expenses with their own credit cards or checks and then reimburse them with units in your club. This eliminates a need for club checks for small expenses.

    Laurie Frederiksen