Have You Thanked Your Club Treasurer?
Good Morning Everyone,

Here we are. Happy due date for 2010 Income taxes!

Filing and paying taxes is certainly not the most fun part of being an investor but it is part of what you need to learn about and deal with if you are going to invest.

I hope you were able to keep your accounting simple in your club last year and that preparing your taxes was an easy job for your treasurer.

I also hope you make sure to thank them. While it may be easy, it is a lot of responsibility.

We know there are a lot of treasurers out there who worked many extra hours in the past couple of months to make sure that things were handled correctly for their clubs.

It's the day to make sure taxes have been filed but it's also the day for them to take a bow.

Our hat is off to all of you.

Laurie Frederiksen
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