Partnership agreement
We are planning to change our partnership agreement. In
looking over the existing PA, I just noticed that the
partners should have been listed on page 1. One partner has
since left. Should we now fill in the names on the original
document before archiving the document? We had gained new
members during the year. The new partners signed the
agreement. Since they were not around when the club began,
could their typed names be added?
Now for the amended PA, can someone post a format for page
one that shows the partnership name, new revision, original
date, and insertion of partner names? What is the correct
way of handling the PA when new members join? Are we all
supposed to sign a new PA each time we get a new member? If
not, then how do we add the new member's typed names on the
There is no need to change anything. All you need to do is have the new members sign a short statement stating that they agree to be bound by the terms of the partnership agreement. Withdrawing members submit a withdrawal announcement in writing. Each of these documents should be attached to the partnership agreement.
Ira Smilovitz
Join me at InvestEd 2011
Investor Education at Its BestTM
San Diego, CA May 13-15, 2011
In a message dated 03/27/11 21:26:28 Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
We are planning to change our partnership agreement.  In
looking over the existing PA, I just noticed that the
partners should have been listed on page 1.  One partner has
since left.  Should we now fill in the names on the original
document before archiving the document? We had gained new
members during the year.  The new partners signed the
agreement.  Since they were not around when the club began,
could their typed names be added?
Now for the amended PA, can someone post a format for page
one that shows the partnership name, new revision, original
date, and insertion of partner names? What is the correct
way of handling the PA when new members join?  Are we all
supposed to sign a new PA each time we get a new member?  If
not, then how do we add the new member's typed names on the
Thank you for your help regarding how to handle new
partners. Can you give me any advice regarding our omission
of the list of names on page 1. Should we type in the names
after-the fact? Also, how do we structure the opening
paragraphs of the revised PA ?
I don't know that you need to do anything, but I'm not a lawyer. I would suggest consulting with a local attorney to see what, if any, requirements your state has.
Ira Smilovitz
Join me at InvestEd 2011
Investor Education at Its BestTM
San Diego, CA May 13-15, 2011
In a message dated 03/27/11 21:44:34 Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
Thank you for your help regarding how to handle new
partners.  Can you give me any advice regarding our omission
of the list of names on page 1.  Should we type in the names
after-the fact?  Also, how do we structure the opening
paragraphs of the revised PA ?