logging on for the first time
we have club members who, after years, stilll have not
logged onto their bivio site. It has been so long since i
did that i cannot remember how and cannot thell them.

would you please take us through the steps of logging on to
the Bivio website for the first time.

they all take better investing magazine and have that ID
Hi Deannie,
It has nothing to do with BI or their BI ID. They can be bivio members without belonging to BI.
Go to Administration|Roster. There you will see the members who need to be brought on line, because they have 'bring online' in the far right hand column. You will need their email addresses. Click on one of those 'bring online' messages. You will be presented with the members are not yet online. Enter their email addresses, and change the invitation wording, if you wish. Once the invitation has  been sent, they need only to follow the instructions to be brought on line.
Rip West
Saint Paul, MN