Managing Your Club Portfolio
Hi Everyone,

Does your club buy stocks or manage a portfolio?

Is "When should we sell?", a big question in your investment club, like it is in many clubs? Learning more about portfolio management is a way to help you get an answer to that question. Making your stock decisions in the context of thinking about your portfolio return lets you step back and helps focus your thoughts on stocks you should add to and stocks you might sell.

During tonights Club Meeting Meeting, Mark Robertson will give an overview of Manifest Investing and how you can use it to help you with your portfolio management. Manifest Investing provides you with easy to use and effective tools to help guide your portfolio decisions.

The webinar will be at 8:30 PM Eastern Time. It's free and everyone is invited. You can register to join at

See you online!
Laurie Frederiksen
Invest with your friends!

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