Hello all,

I am trying to get a report in Bivio of "late" fees, which
have always been entered as fees. The club then uses this
money to pay for misc expenses or club subscriptions ect. Is
there anywhere I can get a total for the last 3 years? I
looked under reports and did not really see anything. Thank
you for your help.
Kevin Valade wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am trying to get a report in Bivio of "late" fees, which
> have always been entered as fees. The club then uses this
> money to pay for misc expenses or club subscriptions ect. Is
> there anywhere I can get a total for the last 3 years? I
> looked under reports and did not really see anything. Thank
> you for your help.


The direct answer to your questions is "No, there is not a
canned report that will list only the transactions entered
as "fees" for a period that spans several calendar years.
However, there are tools that will provide you with the
information you seek.

I want to avoid a discussion regarding the appropriateness
of "fees"; however, it is important to understand that there
is no accounting connection between the source of the funds
paying an expense and the expense itself. There is no
accounting or tax relationship between the expense and
whether the source of the funds to pay the expense is member
payments, fees, dividends, interest, or capital gains. Your
club's practice should only be thought of as a budgeting

Full disclosure: my club never has fees so I don't have
practical experience with them in bivio. However, I did
enter several transactions in the demo club involving fees
and discovered the following:

1. Multiple fees entered on the same day are consolidated
and show up as a single entry in the "transaction" report.
2. Fee transactions for different dates in the same calendar
year are all listed together in the "transaction" report for
that calendar year.

3. So you could run a transaction report for each calendar
year and find the "fee" transactions that way.

4. If you have a lot of fee entries, you could then export
the data to a spreadsheet and further manipulate the data as
you want.

Hope that helps.

Jack Ranby, Treasurer
Grants Partners Investment Club