Tax Basis
Hi club cafe,
Can anyone explain what the Tax Basis means on the member
status report: (example a member total paid in is $7,375.00
and the tax basis shows $12,618.64) what does this mean?
Thanks a bunch, Mary
Tax Basis - A members tax basis in the club as of the report date. The tax basis is the sum of member's contributions, minus any partial withdrawals, plus any earnings allocated in prior years, and minus any deductions allocated in prior years. This value does not include taxable items realized by the club YTD that have not yet been allocated.

At 04:17 PM 2/16/2011, you wrote:
Hi club cafe,
Can anyone explain what the Tax Basis means on the member
status report: (example a member total paid in is $7,375.00
and the tax basis shows $12,618.64) what does this mean?
Thanks a bunch, Mary
Cherilyn J. Peay
Hi Mary,
Tax basis is the net total of the amounts a member has paid in and withdrawn, plus the items of income/expense that have been allocated to him/her over the years. The member will have taxable income/loss on leaving the club equal to the amount received less his/her tax basis.
That's the explanation, but your figures made me look at your account. I am 99.999999% sure that there were errors made in posting the beginning balances for the members on hand at the switchover date. The earnings figures seem to include the amounts paid in, and, thus, are overstated. To correct, you would have to edit those entries. If you want help with this, you should email
Rip West
Her tax basis is the amount of money she's paid in plus her share of any income, gains, losses, and expenses during her membership period. If she were to withdraw today, the difference between what she receives and her tax basis is her capital gain/loss.
Ira Smilovitz
Join me at InvestEd 2011
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San Diego, CA May 13-15, 2011
In a message dated 02/16/11 18:17:48 Eastern Standard Time, writes:
Can anyone explain what the Tax Basis means on the member
status report: (example a member total paid in is $7,375.00
and the tax basis shows $12,618.64) what does this mean?
Thanks a bunch, Mary