Brokerage Sync
I just set up our brokerage sync at bivio but don't see any
way to make them synchronize. Does it just automatically
happen at some point during the night or am I missing some

Dear Mike,

AccountSync pulls in transactions which have occurred in your account once each day. It runs early in the morning after the close of a business day.

If you are new to bivio, but not a new club, you should first bring in your historical club accounting information. If you are currently using an IClub program we can read in all your data from that. If you have been doing your accounting in another way, you will use our Opening Balances screens to switch over to bivio.

To get started with AccountSync, you then need two things, your brokerage login information and some sort of a transaction in the bivio account tracking your brokerage. If you have entered historical data as mentioned above, you are all set. If you are a new club, you will need to enter at least one member payment transaction in your brokerage account in bivio to get the automatic process started.

AccountSync will start with the date on that and pull in any information we can get from the broker that has happened since then We can usually count on being able to get three months worth of data but some brokerages provide more.

We're glad to help you with your specific details if you'd like to email us at

Laurie Frederiksen
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We are a brand new club. I have entered the brokerage info
and put 1 transaction into bivio but it didn't pull any of
the other deposits.


Laurie Frederiksen wrote:
> Dear Mike,AccountSync pulls in transactions which have occurred in your account once each day.  It runs early in the morning after the close of a business day.If you are new to bivio,  but not a new club, you should first bring in
> your historical club accounting information.    If you are currently
> using an IClub program we can read in all your data from that.  If you
> have been doing your accounting in another way, you will use our Opening
> Balances screens to switch over to bivio.  To get started with AccountSync, you then need two things,  your brokerage login  information and some sort of a transaction in the bivio account tracking your brokerage.  If you have entered historical data as mentioned above, you are all set.   If you are a new club,  you will need to enter at least one member payment transaction in your brokerage account in bivio to get the automatic process started.
> AccountSync will start with the date on that and pull in any information we can get from the broker that has happened since then  We can usually count on being able to get three months worth of data but some brokerages provide more.
> We're glad to help you with your specific details if you'd like to email us at Laurie FrederiksenInvest with your friends!
> www.bivio.comBecome our Facebook friend! us on twitter!
Hi Mike,

AccountSync pulls in any transactions that have happened since the most recently dated one. Your first entry was dated Feb. 15. Have you had any transactions since then in TDAmeritrade? When you start up, it's best to enter a transaction with a date further in the past so that more data can be pulled in. I'd suggest you edit the date on the transaction. Perhaps change it to the date your club started. Even if this is a dummy transaction, it's fine to delete it later.

I'm sorry if the setup requirements are a bit confusing. I assure you that once you get past this, everything is extremely easy to use. At this point, if you make the changes, you should see your information pulled in when AccountSync runs again early tomorrow morning.

I've also asked our techs if they might have time to get it pulled in for you before that. We will keep you posted.

Laurie Frederiksen
Invest with your friends!

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On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 9:18 AM, Robert M Armour <> wrote:
We are a brand new club. I have entered the brokerage info
and put 1 transaction into bivio but it didn't pull any of
the other deposits.


How many deposits did you have? We were able to "force" AccountSync to run for your account and it only found one transaction to pull in.

Laurie Frederiksen
There is the 1 - $100 deposit and another $20 credit given
by the brokerage firm (for taking a week to open our
account). Tomorrow there should be several more deposits.

Laurie Frederiksen wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 9:18 AM, Robert M Armour &lt;; wrote:
> We are a brand new club.  I have entered the brokerage info
> and put 1 transaction into bivio but it didn&#39;t pull any of
> the other deposits.
> Mike,How many deposits did you have?  We were able to &quot;force&quot; AccountSync to run for your account and it only found one transaction to pull in. Laurie Frederiksen
There have been many deposits now but Bivio doesn't show any
of them?

Robert M Armour wrote:
> There is the 1 - $100 deposit and another $20 credit given
> by the brokerage firm (for taking a week to open our
> account). Tomorrow there should be several more deposits.
> Laurie Frederiksen wrote:
> > On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 9:18 AM, Robert M Armour &lt;; wrote:
> > We are a brand new club.  I have entered the brokerage info
> > and put 1 transaction into bivio but it didn&#39;t pull any of
> > the other deposits.
> > Mike,How many deposits did you have?  We were able to &quot;force&quot; AccountSync to run for your account and it only found one transaction to pull in. Laurie Frederiksen
oops never mind - I just received an email with a link to
all of the deposits.

Robert M Armour wrote:
> There have been many deposits now but Bivio doesn't show any
> of them?
> Robert M Armour wrote:
> > There is the 1 - $100 deposit and another $20 credit given
> > by the brokerage firm (for taking a week to open our
> > account). Tomorrow there should be several more deposits.
> >
> > Laurie Frederiksen wrote:
> > > On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 9:18 AM, Robert M Armour &lt;; wrote:
> > > We are a brand new club.  I have entered the brokerage info
> > > and put 1 transaction into bivio but it didn&#39;t pull any of
> > > the other deposits.
> > > Mike,How many deposits did you have?  We were able to &quot;force&quot; AccountSync to run for your account and it only found one transaction to pull in. Laurie Frederiksen