Watch list
I am throwing this out to the club cafe as you have come up with such great suggestions before.

Our club would like to have a watch list of stocks we have taken a look at but feel that now is not the time to buy. I am looking for suggestions for the EASIEST way to do this where all 10 of us can look at it before our meetings. Some of us have minimal computer skills. I don't know if there is a way in bivio to make a watch list separate from out regular portfolio. Is there? and can it update prices?

My thought is to set up a yahoo account for the club and put a "portfolio" in it because that will update the prices and we can get further information on each stock. I do not think anyone in our club wants to make a web page and take care of updating it.

Thanks in advance,
Security Investment Now
Dear Marcia,

I have used Yahoo to track a watchlist for my club. You can also set Yahoo alerts so you will receive an email when the price of a stock you are interested in goes above or below prices you specify.

You can get to yahoo directly from bivio using the Yahoo button on the Accounting>Investments screen.

I also think one of the best ways to track a watchlist is as a Manifest Investing Dashboard. Manifest is a subscription service but it is offered to bivio clubs or club members for an extremely attractive price.

Manifest projections are compiled using information from analysts projections. This gives you a quick overview of the current sentiment surrounding stocks you are interested in. I find this a really useful tool to keep an eye on stocks that I have researched in the past and which I think are good companies but have not purchased for one reason or another. A glance down a watchlist of such companies stored in a Manifest Dashboard quickly alerts me that it might be a good time to focus in on them again.

Laurie Frederiksen
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Dear Laurie,

I like the idea of a watch list in yahoo but...when I use the Yahoo button in bivio, I get my own account with my portfolio. I want to set up a club account (in Yahoo or somewhere else) so everyone can access it and change it as necessary. Do you think this will work? Is there a better solution?


On Sat, Feb 12, 2011 at 3:34 PM, Laurie Frederiksen <> wrote:
Dear Marcia,

I have used Yahoo to track a watchlist for my club. You can also set Yahoo alerts so you will receive an email when the price of a stock you are interested in goes above or below prices you specify.

You can get to yahoo directly from bivio using the Yahoo button on the Accounting>Investments screen.

I also think one of the best ways to track a watchlist is as a Manifest Investing Dashboard. Manifest is a subscription service but it is offered to bivio clubs or club members for an extremely attractive price.

Manifest projections are compiled using information from analysts projections. This gives you a quick overview of the current sentiment surrounding stocks you are interested in. I find this a really useful tool to keep an eye on stocks that I have researched in the past and which I think are good companies but have not purchased for one reason or another. A glance down a watchlist of such companies stored in a Manifest Dashboard quickly alerts me that it might be a good time to focus in on them again.

Laurie Frederiksen
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Hi Marcia,

I just set up a MyYahoo account and page for my club that was separate from my personal page.

Laurie Frederiksen
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I set up a club account in Yahoo and presented it at our meeting Monday night. I am hoping for positive feedback from the ladies. Thanks for your suggestion.

On Sat, Feb 19, 2011 at 6:16 PM, Laurie Frederiksen <> wrote:
Hi Marcia,

I just set up a MyYahoo account and page for my club that was separate from my personal page.

Laurie Frederiksen
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