Audit Party Weekend!
Hi Everyone,

Are your club records correct? Has your club been filing club taxes correctly? Is your club ownership being tracked correctly?

To get the answers to these questions and more it's important to regularly go through a club audit and have an independent group of club members reconfirm that the information entered in bivio is correct. We have a worksheet you can use to work through the steps required. It shouldn't take too long and if you do it in a group it can actually be fun. It also provides an opportunity for everyone in your club to become more familiar with your club record keeping requirements. It is in everyones best interest that it is not just the treasurer that has some understanding of your club finances.

We even give you permission to use it as an excuse for a party. We've declared that this weekend is Audit Party Weekend. We'll be running a webinar on doing an audit three times during the weekend and we'll be available all weekend to answer questions about things you might need help with fixing in your own records. If you do want to have a party when you're done we can probably even supply you with a Margarita recipe!

Everything is free and online and everyone is encouraged to attend.

You can register now by going to

See you online!
Laurie Frederiksen
Invest with your friends!

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