Recruiting presentations
I'm posting this note with permission from Laurie. I am an instructor for InvestEd, and I've been working with clubs and their issues for 17 years.
A growing number of instructors are putting together formal classes on CD and selling them to the community. I have two very popular classes that are beneficial for recruiting.
Start Your Own Investment Club is geared to introducing someone brand new to clubs, starting with what makes clubs successful and taking them through the unit accounting system. It then runs through all the neccesities of starting a club including an extensive resource list. The first 20 minutes or so could be used in an introductory meeting. The rest of it will simply show them what you went through to start your club. Very helpful to a newbie.
Recruiting & Mentoring for Clubs is for existing clubs and lays out a plan for recruiting and mentoring new members. It includes a step-action plan, a new member compatibility check list and a several-month mentoring/training program.
These are voice-over-PowerPoint CDs, PC and Mac compatible and cost $39 each. If you are interested, please drop me a private note and I will send you an order form.
Lynn Ostrem, President
Crow River Investment Club