Folio Login Problems
If you have a Folio account, you may have received a message today telling you your AccountSync has been deactivated. This has happened because Folio has added a "confirm your email" screen that must be completed before your account can be accessed.

To fix the problem, login to your Folio account and answer the question about your email address. This only has to be done one time.

Once you have done that, go into bivio and select the info link next to your Folio account on the Accounting>Accounts screen to reenter your login information.

If you do that today, any transactions that were missed will be pulled in tomorrow.

Laurie Frederiksen
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Related to this issue or deactivation of AccountSync:

I am our club treasurer and administrator of our bivio subscription and the account owner in Folio for our broker account. We do have a backup treasurer to whom I have granted administrator privileges in bivo and account manager privileges in Folio. Will these procedures regarding deactivation of AccountSync apply to her as well, or just to me as the primary administrator of both bivio and Folio?


Pam Cler

On Thu, Jan 13, 2011 at 9:31 AM, Laurie Frederiksen <> wrote:
If you have a Folio account, you may have received a message today telling you your AccountSync has been deactivated. This has happened because Folio has added a "confirm your email" screen that must be completed before your account can be accessed.

To fix the problem, login to your Folio account and answer the question about your email address. This only has to be done one time.

Once you have done that, go into bivio and select the info link next to your Folio account on the Accounting>Accounts screen to reenter your login information.

If you do that today, any transactions that were missed will be pulled in tomorrow.

Laurie Frederiksen
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Dear Pam,

Both you and she will have access to the AccountSync setup information page in bivio to correct the problem. I assume on the Folio side, it would be you that would need to access the account and confirm your email information.

Laurie Frederiksen
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