well I found the answer
i found that the bivio solftware does indeed know whether a
dividend is qualified or not. so i guess i just put
'dividend' and it does the rest.

i found this on a dec 2004 post.

I guess you guys were just tired of that question? or was i
too ambiguous?

It's ok. I needed to do some digging instead of just asking
you guys.

unfortunately, i made some changes i'll nee d to undo.
Hi Deannie,

> I guess you guys were just tired of that question?

We've been in this business over 10 years. If we weren't used to
answering the same questions, we wouldn't be in this business any
more. :) It's like what they say about teachers, "Every year, they
seem to have forgot what I taught them last year!"

> unfortunately, i made some changes i'll need to undo.

One thing that is generally a good thing to do with bivio is "wait".
The qualified dividends are a perfect example. You actually don't
need to deal with this issue until tax time. Sometimes you can't even
determine if a dividend is qualified at the time it is entered.

That being said -- and before I get Rip'ped :) -- you should reconcile
the numbers in the actual transactions on a monthly basis. Don't
worry about if Mary or Joe owns 0.1% than Larry. That's something we
get right, always. What you want to make sure is that Mary, Joe, and
Larry's payments are recorded accurately, that is, they match the date
they appear on the broker's statement. Don't worry about your market
valuation according to your broker. That's not a transaction.
Rather, make sure all stock purchases and sales are recorded on the
date that the broker recorded them, for the amount of the shares, and
the price of the buy or sell. The process is actually trivial, and
people tend to get overwhelmed and make it more complicated than it
really is. We've seen this when talking about club expenses, for
example, on this list recently.

As always, we're here to help. As I said earlier, we've been doing
this for over 10 years so we have seen every problem there is to see.

Hi Deannie,
I don't know anyone brave enough to 'Rip' Rob Nagler<g> Having said that, I would repeat what I think is his message that you don't really have to 'undo' anything at this time. It will be taken care of at tax time.
I guess you guys were just tired of that question?  or was i too ambiguous?
One thing that we try to do on club_cafe is to promote conversations between our users. To that end, we, in support, don't usually chime in until it is clear that the question is not going to be answered. If you had addressed your question to, I am sure it would have been answered within hours.
Rip West
Saint Paul, MN
sORRY i was cranky. you guys have been bailing me out for
over ten years. thanks for the explanation.


Rip West wrote:
> Hi Deannie,
> &nbsp;
> I don't know anyone brave enough to 'Rip' Rob Nagler&lt;g&gt; Having said
> that, I would repeat what I think is his message that you don't really have to
> 'undo' anything at this time. It will be taken care of at tax time.
> &nbsp;
> &lt;&lt;
> I guess you guys were just tired of that question?&nbsp; or was i too
> ambiguous?
> &gt;&gt;
> &nbsp;
> One thing that we try to do on club_cafe is to promote conversations
> between our users. To that end, we, in support, don't usually chime in until it
> is clear that the question is not going to be answered. If you had addressed
> your question to, I am
> sure it would have been answered within hours.
> &nbsp;
> Rip West
> Saint Paul, MN
> &nbsp;