December Club Meeting Meeting Recording Posted
Hi Everyone,

The recording from the December Club Meeting Meeting is now posted on
the Clubmm site.

Decembers educational topic was a discussion of the factors affecting
the margin or profitability of a company. We ran through an overview
of Apple's most recent earnings and showed how to develop a projected
earnings statement from the guidance they gave for the next quarter.

Don't forget, we're running a contest. The club that comes closest
to predicting Apple's earnings for the current quarter (First quarter
2011) will win a one year bivio subscription. All the information to
make the projections and enter the contest is included in the December
Club activity described on the Clubmm page.

It's a great opportunity to have some fun with your club and learn
more about how to follow the business of the companies you own!

The January Club Meeting Meeting will be on Jan. 6, 2011. We'll be
discussing P/E ratio. How it is used to predict stock prices and what
you need to know about it's strengths and limitations.

You can register now to join us at It's free
and everyone is invited.

Laurie Frederiksen
Invest with your friends!

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