Unlisted Stocks
Please explain why Ford (F), General Electric (GE) and Home Depot (HD) are not in the price database that Bivio uses. I understand that unlisted stocks include thinly traded or some foreign securities. But I feel large companies such as GE, Ford and Home Depot should be listed.
Dear David,

It is good you have asked this question because you are correct. F,
GE and HD are part of our database. The problem you are having comes
from a database cleanup issue that sometimes arises when you've owned
a stock in the past, imported that data into bivio, and then
repurchased it again. It is easy to fix. Just email us at and we'll clean it up for you.

If anybody else is getting "value unlisted investments" messages and
doesn't know why, please contact us in support to find out what is
going on. They would show up when you perform a transaction that
needs a valuation such as a member payment.

Laurie Frederiksen
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