We're considering acquiring our first ADR stock. Does Bivio
treat ADRs the same as US stocks or are there special tax
reporting considerations for the ADRs? I read an earlier
post about brokers sometimes charging an ADR service fee
that apparently must be manually entered into Bivio.
Anything else that it would be helpful to be forewarned

Much appreciate your input,
Sherrill Byrnes
On Fri, Dec 3, 2010 at 6:15 PM, Sherrill Byrnes <> wrote:
> We're considering acquiring our first ADR stock. Does Bivio
> treat ADRs the same as US stocks or are there special tax
> reporting considerations for the ADRs? I read an earlier
> post about brokers sometimes charging an ADR service fee
> that apparently must be manually entered into Bivio.
> Anything else that it would be helpful to be forewarned
> about?

Dear Sherrill,

In general, you should be able to account for ADR's in bivio with no
problem. If you'd like to be completely sure, we are always glad to
double check specific investments before you purchase them.

As part of your monthly reconciliation you will want to make sure that
any ADR service fees or foreign taxes have been entered correctly into
bivio. AccountSync can usually figure out that information from the
brokerage data feed but sometimes data from brokers is supplied

bivio will handle the tax reporting issues associated with foreign
taxes which might be withheld from any dividends you receive.

        Laurie Frederiksen