Following Your Stocks-Profitability
It's time for another in our successful Club Meeting Meeting
series! Join us this Thursday, December 2, at 8:30PM ET

Question: Once you own a stock, how do you decide how long to keep
Answer: You should follow its earnings reports and regularly
re-evaluate its growth potential in light of the information

What should you look for and where will you find it?

At last month's Club Meeting Meeting, our educational presentation and
suggested club activity was about tracking a company's sales growth.
This month, we'll talk about how to track its profitability. We'll
also discuss briefly the elements of a good club meeting and
demonstrate a club portfolio review process using a real bivio club
portfolio. You're guaranteed to come away with ideas for your own
club meeting.

To add to the fun, we'll do the drawing from all of those who
became bivio and Manifest Investing Facebook friends by November 29.
A lucky club will win a 1 year bivio subscription and a 1 year
Manifest Investing subscription for all members.

If you missed out on that chance to win a free bivio subscription,
don't despair. There's another chance to win by entering our contest
to predict Apples first quarter earnings results. More details about
how to enter will be provided on Thursday night.

You can register for the Club Meeting Meeting at

Laurie Frederiksen
Invest with your friends!

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