Happy Thanksgiving
Isn't Thanksgiving a great holiday? It's a day in the middle of the
week when all you need to do is to share a nice meal with people you
care about and think about all the good things you have in your life
to be thankful for.

If the date hadn't been declared a holiday, how many days would go by
before you took the initiative to do the same thing? Yet the
sharing of this tradition each year strengthens bonds with family and

If you think about it, your monthly investment club meeting has many
of the same attributes. It's a date you've reserved on the calendar
to share an activity you enjoy with people you care about. Because
you've made a commitment, each month you make progress toward becoming
a more successful investor. Investing is something you have to do to
really learn. Sharing the journey with your good friends is fun and
strengthens your connections. Each time you meet you make progress.
Month after month after month, year after year, your investment club
activities are something valuable you commit to doing for yourself.

At bivio, we couldn't be more thankful for being connected to all of
you. You are a special group and we are glad to be able to provide
you with a means of operating a successful club. The messages
you've shared with us on our new facebook page were unanticipated and
truly heartwarming. Thank you for taking the time to write them.

We hope you enjoy this day of focusing on all the good things in your
life. Your clubs are all part of our list of things we are thankful

Laurie Frederiksen
Invest with your friends!

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