What Should You Do When a Stock Price Increases Quickly?
Here's a nice problem to have. You bought a stock in September and it
has already increased in value 33 percent. That's more than you
expected to happen for several years. Should you keep it or move the
money into something with a higher potential return?

In the Challenge club meeting tonight at 8PM ET, we'll be discussing
Deckers Outdoor. It was purchased in September for $45.85 and closed
yesterday at $60.92 Join us online to learn more about the thought
process you might go through if you have a similar situation with a
stock your club owns.

The Challenge Club is a Virtual Online bivio club run by Manifest
Investing. It's free and everyone is welcome to attend. You can
actively participate in the discussion and decisions or you can just
listen and learn and get ideas for your own club.

Register now at

See you online!

Laurie Frederiksen
Invest with your friends!

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