Does anyone have penalties for withdrawing?

I wanted to see if anyone has wording in their partnership
agreement that penalizes members for withdrawing. I've
heard that some clubs do, but most don't and just wanted
some advice.

Thank you in advance!


We pulled our partnership agreement from the better investing website. It has some language about withdrawing, but nothing that penalizes a member for it. That said, we did add in our own language that stated we could not add or remove members for our first year in existence (we've now been in existence for a year and 5 months)


End Game Investments

Ellen Shershow Pena Photography

On Oct 27, 2010, at 6:24 PM, Johnny Duncan wrote:


I wanted to see if anyone has wording in their partnership
agreement that penalizes members for withdrawing.  I've
heard that some clubs do, but most don't and just wanted
some advice.

Thank you in advance!


Your information is correct. The original model partnership
agreement included a penalty for withdrawing. In those days,
the commissions on stock trades were substantial so they
felt the need to have an economic disincentive to leave a
club. However, the more recent thinking is to charge the
leaving member only the cost of selling any securities
necessary to raise cash to pay off the departing member.
That can be minimized by transferring stock in which the
club has a gain to the departing member instead.

My philosophy is that I don't want someone to stay in the
club solely because they don't want to incur a penalty. And
it is unfair to the departing member for the remaining
members to profit from the penalty.

Jack Ranby, Treasurer
Grants Partners Investment Club

Johnny Duncan wrote:
> Greetings,
> I wanted to see if anyone has wording in their partnership
> agreement that penalizes members for withdrawing. I've
> heard that some clubs do, but most don't and just wanted
> some advice.
> Thank you in advance!
> Johnny
The general consensus is that it is far more positive to stress, when
someone joins your club, that it is a long term commitment. A new
member should understand that they should plan to be a member for at
least a year. It is disruptive to have members coming and going too

Trying to keep people as members by assessing withdrawal penalties is
probably going to be counterproductive. Once someone has decided they
no longer want to participate, you probably don't want them as part of
the group anyway.

Life is going to happen and people may need some of the money they've
invested in your partnership. Unless there is another problem, it
doesn't seem right to penalize them to take out what belongs to them.

Laurie Frederiksen
Invest with your friends!

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we have a 3% penility unless it is a death

On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 9:24 PM, Johnny Duncan <> wrote:

I wanted to see if anyone has wording in their partnership
agreement that penalizes members for withdrawing. I've
heard that some clubs do, but most don't and just wanted
some advice.

Thank you in advance!
