Apples' Accountants
Hi everyone,

I was thinking this morning about how exciting it must be to be an
accountant who works for Apple today. Their 4th quarter earnings
will be released this afternoon and speculation is rampant on what the
numbers will be. On October 1, the stock price closed at $282.52. A
few minutes ago on Yahoo Finance, the price was shown as 316.66.
That means that the price has gone up $34.14 in October alone. As
of the June Quarter, Apple had 913,482,347 shares of stock
outstanding. That means approximately $31.19 BILLION dollars of
Market value has been added in October alone.

As an inside accountant, you would have put together the data that
has become the report that will be released today. You already know
what the numbers will be. It has to be exciting to compare what
people are guessing to what you know is coming. How often does what
we do in our jobs have such a direct connection to billions of dollars
appearing or disappearing within days or hours?

Whoever said Accounting was a dull profession? I certainly know that
participating in the excitement as an owner of a few shares of Apple
stock is giving me something fun to think about today. How about
Laurie Frederiksen
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