trez talk: It's Back!
I've put together an editorial calendar for club cafe and one of the weekly posting subjects will be topics of special interest to the special person in your club who is your club treasurer. I'm going to label these postings "trez talk". Those of you who have been around for a while will recognize this as the name of a regular column we hosted in our early days where Rip West and Jerry Dressel shared their insight and expertise about club treasurer topics. We're lucky to still have Rip here with us, helping your clubs if you get into some sort of accounting complications. I'm sure we can look forward to his input in the coming weeks.

Feel free to give feedback on topics you'd like to see discussed. I'm planning to start the series with information and answers to questions that frequently arise about using AccountSync.

Incidentally, the original Trez Talk postings are still around and still contain a lot of valuable information. If you're interested in looking through them, you can find them at

Laurie Frederiksen
Invest with your friends!

Follow us on twitter!
Thanks for all your help!

On Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 10:16 AM, Laurie Frederiksen <> wrote:
I've put together an editorial calendar for club cafe and one of the weekly posting subjects will be topics of special interest to the special person in your club who is your club treasurer. I'm going to label these postings "trez talk". Those of you who have been around for a while will recognize this as the name of a regular column we hosted in our early days where Rip West and Jerry Dressel shared their insight and expertise about club treasurer topics. We're lucky to still have Rip here with us, helping your clubs if you get into some sort of accounting complications. I'm sure we can look forward to his input in the coming weeks.

Feel free to give feedback on topics you'd like to see discussed. I'm planning to start the series with information and answers to questions that frequently arise about using AccountSync.

Incidentally, the original Trez Talk postings are still around and still contain a lot of valuable information. If you're interested in looking through them, you can find them at

Laurie Frederiksen
Invest with your friends!

Follow us on twitter!

Del -- Back in "Sky Blue Water" Minnesota