Twitter Name Contest
Hi everyone,

Are you interested in achieving immortality? (Or at least temporary notoriety)

I love to read through lists of club names. Some of you are very creative. I thought it might be fun to run a little contest to see if we can harness some of that talent to come up with a twitter name for bivio. Apparently @bivio is already taken (Hopefully by the bivio vineyard or the vacation spot in Switzerland).

Bonnie Biafore has given us several copies of her new book, "Personal Investing, The Missing Manual" (both physical and electronic copies) to give away as prizes. We'll also give a 1 year bivio subscription renewal to the club that comes up with the name that we choose.

You can submit your ideas here:
bivio Twitter Name Contest

We hope you'll participate. We can't wait to see what you might come up with!

Laurie Frederiksen

PS. Sorry if you received this twice. There was an incorrect link in the first posting.