Personal Investing, The Missing Manual
Good morning everyone,

Bonnie Biafore, bivio friend and well known personal finance writer has just written a new book, "Personal Investing, The Missing Manual" that you might be interested in. I read it recently and would highly recommend it. Bonnie has an engaging, fun writing style. Her book addresses many personal investing topics at a level that is comfortable if you are reading about them for the first time. But, she also presents enough depth that you are sure to learn something new, even if you already have expertise in some of them.

Bonnie has a blog which she is writing in conjunction with the book. She just posted a great writeup on how to decide whether paying off your mortgage makes sense as part of your overall financial plan. (Hint, there's no clear cut answer) She offers a discussion of the factors you might use to make the decision.

Here is a link to it:

Bonnie has generously offered us several copies of her new book to use as prizes in a contest. (See the next post). Whether you win one or go out and purchase it for yourself, you will find the book good summer reading. It would also make an ideal graduation present for those you'd like to encourage to start investing early.

We'll keep you posted as Bonnie updates her blog. Be sure to let her know what topics you'd like to see her discuss.

Laurie Frederiksen