Club TIN and someone's SSN conflict?
Has any other club been told that their TIN is also
someone’s SSN?

Here is the background behind the question.

        We have a TIN that we received in 2004 when the club
        started. It was used to open the first brokerage
        account and a bank account. Then a successor bank
        account in 2006. It was been used on each 1065
        information return and Part 1 A of each K-1. There
        hasn't been a problem before.

        I persuaded the Club to switch to a brokerage that
        includes a bank account to simplify bookkeeping
        based on discussions that have appeared here. The
        move to the new, well-regarded brokerage has not
        been smooth. The latest bump is that our TIN does
        not appear on the opening documents . I called
        their 24/7 customer support line. I was told that
        our TIN was also someone’s SSN. The brokerage has
        solved the problem by using a 9 character number
        beginning with "G". We should not be concerned.
        Our TIN will appear on the 1099. The explanation
        they volunteered is this: "It's just one of those
        things that happens". If we needed more
        explanation, we should consider asking the Social
        Security Administration. On the web, this brokerage
        states that it certifies all tax IDs submitted on an
       The collective view of the club is that "it happens"
       is not satisfactory. It's more likely that that it
       is a brokerage error or maybe identify thief.
       Everyone is the club says that it never occurred to
       them to use our TIN as a personal SSN so how could
       this happen.

        I thought I'd ask the question here before
        proceeding further.

Ron Pautz,
Hi Ron,
I'm in an RV club, which is totally social, but when I took over the treasury I performed an audit on everything and discovered the same thing. The EIN was actually someone's social security number. I never knew they both had 9 numbers.
I had contacted the Internal Revenue Service to verify the number belonged to the club because it didn't start with the traditional EIN numbers for Minnesota. That's how I discovered the problem. They wouldn't share any more with me that it was a deceased person's social security number. It had been used for over 10 years on 1099s, and bank accounts, etc. In our case, the club had actually established an EIN number when it originally started. But it still took me 4 months, working with the IRS, to get the whole mess straightened out.
I'm no legal or tax expert, but I can tell you this has nothing to do with the SS Administration. This is an IRS issue. Do you have a copy of your original EIN (TIN) form that was completed when the club was started? If not, I recommend that you start by contacting the IRS and asking for a copy. That will tell you if that number was actually used to start the club, or if someone used their own SS number to open the first bank account. You may find, just like I did, that there really is an actual EIN number out there not being used by your club. Then you can work with the IRS to straighten things out.
Good luck to you, and please keep us informed along the way. I'm sure this will not ge the last time we hear of this happening. It would be nice to have in the archives how this was resolved for you.
Lynn Ostrem
Crow River Investment Club