Will the Heat Stay on Stocks this Summer?

Wow.   The ability to entice you in to reading this with both the weather and something to worry about.   It’s a great time for headline writers.   (The subject line of this was a real headline I saw this morning).    There’s nothing like anxiety to get us to open up an article. 

It’s nice to have so many things to work on that I can avoid feeding my anxiety and instead end each day with a feeling of making positive, forward progress.  I’ll be in St Louis at the end of this week for the BetterInvesting National Convention.    I hope to see some of you there.    It’s much more useful to be spending time learning about investing and trying to do it yourself than to feel helpless when faced with the barrage of negative news.   I’ve been working on your Quest for Positive Relative Returns graphs this weekend and the results are very interesting.    There is enough variety in the results to make it clear to me that investing is something you can learn to be successful at. 

You’re doing the right thing by participating in an investment club.  Let’s make a vow not to worry and not to let the headlines get to us.   Let’s just have fun learning how to do this together.

Laurie Frederiksen