club_cafe: Relative Returns Graph for Your Club
Thank you Weal will try it!
In a message dated 6/1/2010 6:41:11 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

Hello Everyone,

I hope you had a great weekend. 

As part of our collective quest for Positive Relative Returns,  let me know if you'd like me to create a graph of your club's relative returns for you.   Your relative return for a given time period is the difference between your club's IRR and the IRR of a benchmark investment.  Watching it will help you keep your "eye on the ball" and is a tool to help focus your decision making on the future rather than the past.

To keep up your motivation,  you'll earn bivio friends for different accomplishments.  You'll get yellow bivio friends every time you beat the benchmark 3 times.  For every 4 yellow bivio friends you'll earn a green friend.  Green friends come with $30 bivio bucks toward your subscription renewal!

Here's a sample of what your club's page might look like:

You can find out more about Benchmarking Your Portfolio here:

Benchmarking Your Portfolio

Let me know if your club would like to join the bivio Quest For Positive Relative Returns!

Laurie Frederiksen