Reports and Creating Charts
Hi All,

The reports in Bivio are fantastic - I use them at all of
our meetings to educate the membership on our club. My
question is - is there a way to pull multiple day or month
data out of Bivio? I really like Excel and would like to
put together some charts of our progress and I could really
use a lot of data from Bivio. I'm just not sure how to get
it other than manually generating a report for each day and
copying the desired data out of that report and into Excel.

Any suggestions?


Hi Andy,

Thanks for your kind comments.

How comfortable are you with Excel?

There are ways in Excel to pull data into spreadsheets from web pages using
queries that might help you automate things a bit.

What kind of data and what kind of reports would you like to generate?

Laurie Frederiksen
Hey Laurie,

I hope you don't mind me piggybacking on Andy's concern, but there is one particular data set that would interest our club.  We would like to be able to chart our portfolio vs. the benchmark over time.  Currently, the only way we know how to do this would be to run each report over different date ranges.  I would like to be able to create a chart with these results so we could see how decisions we have made over time have impacted our portfolio compared with the fund chosen.  Thank you for your assistance.

Stuart Weissman, MLIC

From: Laurie Frederiksen <>
To: The Club Cafe <>
Sent: Mon, May 31, 2010 12:53:17 PM
Subject: RE: club_cafe: Reports and Creating Charts

Hi Andy,

Thanks for your kind comments. 

How comfortable are you with Excel?

There are ways in Excel to pull data into spreadsheets from web pages using
queries that might help you automate things a bit.

What kind of data and what kind of reports would you like to generate?

Laurie Frederiksen

Very timely question Stuart!

During the Benchmarking webinar I offered to make just such a graph for clubs.

I’ll add your club’s name to the list.

I should have a sample page to show everyone tomorrow.

Stay tuned!

Laurie Frederiksen

Please add GARP Investors Club, thanks, P. Davis

Laurie Frederiksen wrote:
> Very timely question Stuart!
> &nbsp;
> During the Benchmarking webinar I offered to make just such a
> graph for clubs.
> &nbsp;
> I&#8217;ll add your club&#8217;s name to the list.
> &nbsp;
> I should have a sample page to show everyone tomorrow.
> &nbsp;
> Stay tuned!
> &nbsp;
> Laurie Frederiksen
> &nbsp;
Please add the Greenbills Investment Club. Our club BI # is C00I4771.


Diane Ellison

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Paul
Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2010 4:51 PM
Cc: 05/25/
Subject: club_cafe: RE: Reports and Creating Charts

Please add GARP Investors Club, thanks, P. Davis

Laurie Frederiksen wrote:
> Very timely question Stuart!
> &nbsp;
> During the Benchmarking webinar I offered to make just such a
> graph for clubs.
> &nbsp;
> I&#8217;ll add your club&#8217;s name to the list.
> &nbsp;
> I should have a sample page to show everyone tomorrow.
> &nbsp;
> Stay tuned!
> &nbsp;
> Laurie Frederiksen
> &nbsp;
I feel quite comfortable with Excel and actually hadn't
thought of pulling the data into a spreadsheet. That would
probably help quite a bit. I will mess around with that a
little bit and see what I can come up with.

Any other suggestions you have would be much appreciated!

Thank you!


Laurie Frederiksen wrote:
> Hi Andy,
> Thanks for your kind comments.
> How comfortable are you with Excel?
> There are ways in Excel to pull data into spreadsheets from web pages using
> queries that might help you automate things a bit.
> What kind of data and what kind of reports would you like to generate?
> Laurie Frederiksen