Email voting
We recently had some discussion among our members on our
email voting policy. (Below you will find our email voting
policy) Does any other club allow email voting? What do
you do & how do you administer it?
Wayne J

Email Voting Guideline

The use of email can be an efficient and easy way to
communicate. It also helps us to disseminate mass
information readily. However, there are some limitations to
email. For example it can be difficult to carry out a
meaningful discussion where facts and opinions are being
presented by several members. In addition, there is no
opportunity for the group to sense the individual non-verbal
portion of the communication such as facial expressions. For
that reason Email voting is not intended to be a standard
practice but is reserved for those times when something
compelling makes it desirable to call for an email vote. The
following items must occur for an email vote to be

A. Email voting to initiate a buy or sell

For an email vote to occur the individual that would like to
initiate a vote must first contact the club President. The
President has the authority to recognize the request or
decline the request based on his reasonable judgment. If a
request is recognized then the requestor can email the group
with the proposed action / motion. A second motion must
occur for the action to continue. If a second motion is not
received by midnight the following day then the action will
be cancelled. If a second does occur then the action will be
open for votes (questions / comments can occur during this
time). To pass the vote must receive at least 50% of the
current memberships approval by midnight on the second day
after the action is open for vote. When participating in an
email recognized vote the participants must reply to all so
that the membership is aware of all the information being
presented. Once the vote is concluded the final tally will
be taken by the President and / or Vice President.

B. Email Voting to invite a potential new member

Email can be used to invite a new member. The proposal must
first be discussed with the President then upon acceptance
of proposal email can be used to call for a vote to consider
a new member. At least 100% of the current membership must
participate in the invitational vote. If a majority vote
occurs the individual will be invited to attend the
necessary meetings prior to final acceptance vote. The
final initiation vote must occur during a regularly
scheduled meeting.
We are an online club so everything that we do is by email.  Every 3rd Friday of the month I send out an email with the treasurer report.  I then send out an email initiating the discussion and vote.  Everyone has at least until late Sunday night to discuss and vote.  Once I feel that everyone has had their say then I send out an email stating that the voting is closed and give the vote count.  Sometimes we can come to a decision in a day but some has taken us up to a week.  It is not a perfect system but with everyone aware of the system before they join, we have not had any complaints or problems.  We have members in different time zones and with different work schedules so it has work.  Anyone can initiate a discussion on anything.  We never have 100% participation for any specific vote so our vote is always the simple majority.
We have found out that it is best that whatever the email started the conversation then everyone responds to that chain of email and that the subject line has a clear and unique subject.  As the treasurer, I has a specific way that I lable emails so that I can easily go back and find the email pertaining to the subject.  All emails must go thru the Bivio email address.
John Rice
ABODI Investment Club

From: Wayne Pisanchyn <>
Sent: Wed, May 26, 2010 10:58:12 AM
Subject: club_cafe: Email voting

We recently had some discussion among our members on our
email voting policy.  (Below you will find our email voting
policy)  Does any other club allow email voting?  What do
you do & how do you administer it?
Wayne J

Email Voting Guideline

The use of email can be an efficient and easy way to
communicate. It also helps us to disseminate mass
information readily. However, there are some limitations to
email.  For example it can be difficult to carry out a
meaningful discussion where facts and opinions are being
presented by several members.  In addition, there is no
opportunity for the group to sense the individual non-verbal
portion of the communication such as facial expressions. For
that reason Email voting is not intended to be a standard
practice but is reserved for those times when something
compelling makes it desirable to call for an email vote. The
following items must occur for an email vote to be

A. Email voting to initiate a buy or sell

For an email vote to occur the individual that would like to
initiate a vote must first contact the club President.  The
President has the authority to recognize the request or
decline the request based on his reasonable judgment.  If a
request is recognized then the requestor can email the group
with the proposed action / motion.  A second motion must
occur for the action to continue.  If a second motion is not
received by midnight the following day then the action will
be cancelled. If a second does occur then the action will be
open for votes (questions / comments can occur during this
time).  To pass the vote must receive at least 50% of the
current memberships approval by midnight on the second day
after the action is open for vote.  When participating in an
email recognized vote the participants must reply to all so
that the membership is aware of all the information being
presented.  Once the vote is concluded the final tally will
be taken by the President and / or Vice President.

B. Email Voting to invite a potential new member

Email can be used to invite a new member.  The proposal must
first be discussed with the President then upon acceptance
of proposal email can be used to call for a vote to consider
a new member.  At least 100% of the current membership must
participate in the invitational vote.  If a majority vote
occurs the individual will be invited to attend the
necessary meetings prior to final acceptance vote.  The
final initiation vote must occur during a regularly
scheduled meeting.
Our club has chosen not to vote for buying or selling a stock via email. We prefer a thorough discussion for such actions and we have members who are "out of town" at times and are not able to always access email.

On Wed, May 26, 2010 at 12:58 PM, Wayne Pisanchyn <> wrote:
We recently had some discussion among our members on our
email voting policy. (Below you will find our email voting
policy) Does any other club allow email voting? What do
you do & how do you administer it?
Wayne J

Email Voting Guideline

The use of email can be an efficient and easy way to
communicate. It also helps us to disseminate mass
information readily. However, there are some limitations to
email. For example it can be difficult to carry out a
meaningful discussion where facts and opinions are being
presented by several members. In addition, there is no
opportunity for the group to sense the individual non-verbal
portion of the communication such as facial expressions. For
that reason Email voting is not intended to be a standard
practice but is reserved for those times when something
compelling makes it desirable to call for an email vote. The
following items must occur for an email vote to be

A. Email voting to initiate a buy or sell

For an email vote to occur the individual that would like to
initiate a vote must first contact the club President. The
President has the authority to recognize the request or
decline the request based on his reasonable judgment. If a
request is recognized then the requestor can email the group
with the proposed action / motion. A second motion must
occur for the action to continue. If a second motion is not
received by midnight the following day then the action will
be cancelled. If a second does occur then the action will be
open for votes (questions / comments can occur during this
time). To pass the vote must receive at least 50% of the
current memberships approval by midnight on the second day
after the action is open for vote. When participating in an
email recognized vote the participants must reply to all so
that the membership is aware of all the information being
presented. Once the vote is concluded the final tally will
be taken by the President and / or Vice President.

B. Email Voting to invite a potential new member

Email can be used to invite a new member. The proposal must
first be discussed with the President then upon acceptance
of proposal email can be used to call for a vote to consider
a new member. At least 100% of the current membership must
participate in the invitational vote. If a majority vote
occurs the individual will be invited to attend the
necessary meetings prior to final acceptance vote. The
final initiation vote must occur during a regularly
scheduled meeting.