Know Your Options Blog Starts Today!

Do the current gyrations of the stock market have you totally unsure what you might do next?  You might be interested in learning about trading options.   We’re not talking about gambling.  Options can actually be useful tools to help protect the value of your portfolio.  They offer a way for you to invest while putting much less capital at risk.  They also offer some interesting opportunities in a volatile market such as the one we’re currently experiencing.

If you and/or your club are interested in learning about conservative ways you might use options in your investing,  make sure that you don’t miss the Know_Your_Options column on our home page.    Starting today, Mark Wolfinger will be blogging 3 times a week about learning to trade options.

Mark is glad to take your questions and suggestions for topics you’re interested in.  To email him,  just click on the Know_Your_Options title next to his picture on the home page and use the compose button you’ll find at the top of the discussion list.

Please join me in thanking Mark for providing this information for all of our bivio clubs.  Make sure you let us know what you think!

Laurie Frederiksen