The Quest for Positive Relative Returns

To help you in your quest for positive relative returns, don’t forget that tonight is our monthly Dashboard Diagnostics webinar.   Each month, Mark Robertson from ManifestInvesting analyzes the portfolio of a real club and discusses ideas they might implement to increase their IRR.   

Tonight’s club has 50 year history and has probably seen and been a participant in,  all types of stock market gyrations.   Yet they are still eager to get a fresh perspective and keep learning how to improve their returns.

Watching the process Mark goes through to make portfolio upgrade suggestions is sure to give you some ideas you can take back and try within your own clubs.

Mark will also present a short discussion about PAR or Projected Annual Return, which is shown on the Manifest Dashboards and which is a very important metric to keep your eye on as you are trying to improve your club’s IRR.

As always,  the webinar is free and all are invited.  You can register to attend here:

Hope to see you then!

 Laurie Frederiksen