Pennies, Market Value and Valuations

I  am a big one for figuring out why my accounts don’t balance to the penny.  Not for financial reasons but because I enjoy the hunt and I enjoy solving the puzzle.

For those out there who can relate to this mindset,  I encourage you to do what you enjoy, within reason.    For those who are a little more into “fudge factors”,  there is a certain level of accuracy you should strive to maintain.

There are two things which everyone should check each month and which should agree exactly between bivio and your financial accounts.

They are,  your cash balance and the number of shares of each stock that you own.

If they agree,  your accounts are in balance.

If they don’t agree exactly,  something is wrong in your accounting and you need to find it and fix it.   If you check the numbers monthly,  you won’t have many transactions to go through and it shouldn’t take too long to find out what needs to be fixed.  If you don’t know how to fix something,  just let us know and we’ll be glad to help you.

It is very important that you do this reconciliation monthly!

If cash balances and number of shares agree exactly, it  is OK if the stock price and the total market value is a few cents off.    Stock prices can change by the minute and will be affected by the rounding used by the site who prepared the reports.  There will always be occasions where several different sources might vary by a tiny bit. 

The only true value of your assets would come from selling them.  Of course, it wouldn’t be terribly practical to do this every time you needed a valuation to conduct club business.  The next best way to do your club accounting is to make sure that the pricing data source is consistent.  We do not read daily pricing from your broker.  We use a single, very high quality source for your stock pricing.  It is the same one Yahoo and many other large Internet sites use. 

For the purposes of creating and using valuations for doing your club accounting,  the important thing is that the pricing source be consistent, not that it agree to the penny with your broker.    A penny or two difference between a stock price in bivio and a report from your broker that is due to the specific time a price was determined or a slightly different rounding method used to prepare a report will have no significant impact on your club accounting and is not something that needs to be “fixed”.

  Laurie Frederiksen


Thanks Laurie.

On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 9:33 AM, Laurie Frederiksen <> wrote:

I am a big one for figuring out why my accounts don't balance to the penny. Not for financial reasons but because I enjoy the hunt and I enjoy solving the puzzle.

For those out there who can relate to this mindset, I encourage you to do what you enjoy, within reason. For those who are a little more into "fudge factors", there is a certain level of accuracy you should strive to maintain.

There are two things which everyone should check each month and which should agree exactly between bivio and your financial accounts.

They are, your cash balance and the number of shares of each stock that you own.

If they agree, your accounts are in balance.

If they don't agree exactly, something is wrong in your accounting and you need to find it and fix it. If you check the numbers monthly, you won't have many transactions to go through and it shouldn't take too long to find out what needs to be fixed. If you don't know how to fix something, just let us know and we'll be glad to help you.

It is very important that you do this reconciliation monthly!

If cash balances and number of shares agree exactly, it is OK if the stock price and the total market value is a few cents off. Stock prices can change by the minute and will be affected by the rounding used by the site who prepared the reports. There will always be occasions where several different sources might vary by a tiny bit.

The only true value of your assets would come from selling them. Of course, it wouldn't be terribly practical to do this every time you needed a valuation to conduct club business. The next best way to do your club accounting is to make sure that the pricing data source is consistent. We do not read daily pricing from your broker. We use a single, very high quality source for your stock pricing. It is the same one Yahoo and many other large Internet sites use.

For the purposes of creating and using valuations for doing your club accounting, the important thing is that the pricing source be consistent, not that it agree to the penny with your broker. A penny or two difference between a stock price in bivio and a report from your broker that is due to the specific time a price was determined or a slightly different rounding method used to prepare a report will have no significant impact on your club accounting and is not something that needs to be "fixed".

Laurie Frederiksen