Benchmarking Your Portfolio

There were some interesting questions that came up during Saturday’s Webinar on Benchmarking Your Portfolio.  One person asked whether it was a good comparison when their financial advisor gave them a rate of return he’d achieved for their investments and gave them, as a comparison,  the return for the S&P 500 for the past year.

The answer to this is that it’s not the best comparison.  It is much better to compare in the way the bivio report does, where actually cash flows into the two investments are the same.

In addition,  if someone tells you a rate of return for something,  make sure to find out whether dividends are included.  They will probably bump up the rate of return and therefore the comparison may not look quite as good as it did initially.

For anyone who would like to see the presentation that was given Saturday.  You can find it on the bivio library page.

Laurie Frederiksen