E mai
Hi Laurie! I have been enjoying the Club Cafe
conversations, but would like to request you take my name
off the Club Cafe Email list - I am receiving so many emails
and I share this email address with my family that the sheer
volume is becoming a problem. I will continue to view the
Club Cafe info when I log into the Bivio web site.

Thanks -
Margaret Reed (
Hi Margaret,

Thank you for your kind words.

You can add or remove your name from the list at any time easily.

Just follow the directions for joining the list
but instead of seeing and clicking on a Join button, you will see a button with an L on it labeled
"Leave List". Select it.

If you'd like to stay on the list, you can also set up a filter in your email program to move all
the club café messages to a folder when they come in.

If anyone would like more information about how to do that, just let me know what email program you
use and I can probably help you get it set up.

Laurie Frederiksen