Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow

One of the hardest parts about investing is knowing when to sell.  The market is up again and some of our community favorites have made significant gains.  It’s not as much fun to think about selling stocks but maybe it’s time to.     

Fortunately for you, you belong to  a club where you can talk through your thoughts with others  to help you make your decisions.

If you’d like to attend another club  meeting to get some more perspective, you’re all welcome to attend the ManifestInvesting Challenge club meeting.    It will be held tomorrow night,  Wednesday, April 14 at 8PM EDT online.    You can register to join at   You’re welcome to participate in the discussion or just listen for ideas.   

I know I want to see if I can get some advice on what to do about Chipotle.    It’s had a great runup in price.     Should I be counting on there being lots more people out there who are hungry for burritos?

It’s always fun and educational to come to the Challenge Club meeting.    The all-time annualized total return for the club since 9/3/1999  is 6.8% versus 1.2% for the total stock market.    This means they had a  relative return of +5.6%.  Not too bad.  Probably a good group to spend a little time around.  Hope you can join us.

     Laurie Frederiksen