The slide presentation you recommended to Lou was very good
and helpful to me-I am glad I found it.
Everything matches nicely but we still have a discrepancy on
the cash of $290.73 in Bivio and cannot find the cause after
hours of searching.
I would sincerely like to edit the Bivio account cash line.
Is this possible in some way?
Advice will be appreciated.
Dear Phyllis,

$290.73 is a pretty big discrepancy. One of the first things you should check is this. Is the
consistent? Did it exist on Dec. 31, 2008 and does the exact same difference exist on 12/31/2009?
If it's not
the same, there's more than one issue going on.

If you can find the year end date where it started, you should be able to narrow down where you're
and find out what it came from. Once you find out what it is, it's easier for us to tell you how
adjust your records.

If you can email the answers to the questions above to me at, I can take a look
at your
records and see if I can see anything. Sometimes people don't realize that we don't have your
institution statements to compare your bivio account with. We need you to narrow down where a
problem is
occurring and give us some more specific details to be able to help you figure it out.

Laurie Frederiksen