Valuation Report - Override current price
Is there a way to override the current price used in the
Valuation Report? I have a few securities where we are off
fractionally and one option position where the price is not
current. On the option position, the report does highlight
that a current price could not be retrieved. I would like
to override the prices with the prices from my broker
Paul J. Savarese wrote:
> Is there a way to override the current price used in the
> Valuation Report? I have a few securities where we are off
> fractionally and one option position where the price is not
> current. On the option position, the report does highlight
> that a current price could not be retrieved. I would like
> to override the prices with the prices from my broker
> statement.

Several answers to offer. First, with regard to the option
prices that hasn't been updated, this is not a common
problem, so I've opened a support request for you and will
reply with more details privately.

Regarding the differences on the valuation report... that is
a much more common problem. You didn't mention which
figures are off fractionally.

The number of shares shown in the valuation statement should
match the number of shares at your brokerage exactly. If
there are fractional differences in the number of shares,
you should take the time to reconcile those differences --
there's probably a missing reinvested dividend or something

You can safely ignore any fractional differences in the
price per share and the total market value. Those figures
have no tax consequences whatsoever. The differences are
probably caused by a price discrepancy between your broker's
data source and ours. The values that matter for tax
purposes are the purchase price and the selling price per
share. From an accounting point of view what's most
important is that the data source for valuations be

We use a very high quality data source for our closing
quotes. It's the same one that Yahoo! and many other large
Internet sites use. A broker's closing price data source
does not need to be nearly as accurate. Feel free to check
the closing prices on the date in question and compare it
with other data sources. You'll find that bivio agrees with
most of them.

Having said all of that, if you actually want to take on the
extra work of changing the prices to that of your broker,
you can download the valuation report to a spreadsheet,
change the values and calculations in the spreadsheet and
present that to your club members.

Eric Dobbs
bivio Inc.