Creating a Watch List


Is it possible to create a Watch List in bivio that the entire club can see?  I’d also like to have the stock prices update automatically, if that’s possible.  So far, I haven’t been able to find how to do this.  Any suggestions?



Have you tried Yahoo Finance ( ? That is exactly what they do.

On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 7:58 PM, Gail Blair <> wrote:


Is it possible to create a Watch List in bivio that the entire club can see? I'd also like to have the stock prices update automatically, if that's possible. So far, I haven't been able to find how to do this. Any suggestions?



Del -- In Tucson
Where the sun shines 350 days a year!

Dear Gail,

Good question.  As Del has said, Yahoo Finance is a very good place to maintain a watchlist.  ManifestInvesting is also.   Yahoo is free.  You can set up a personalized page for your club to track lots of information about stocks you are interested in including news headlines.  You can customize it to show whatever financial data you like to watch and even add a calendar where corporate events are automatically filled in.  You can also set up alerts so that your club receives an email if a stock reaches a certain price or certain corporate events such as earnings announcements and dividend payments are going to occur.    I should probably put a webinar together showing people who are interested how to do some of these things.  Maybe everyone can let me know if they’d have an interest in such a presentation.

ManifestInvesting is not free but a subscription is only $49 for bivio customers.  It is also a great place to keep a watchlist.  Add any stocks you are interested in to a Manifest Dashboard and Mark Robertson will keep an eye on them for you.  You can make a dashboard public so your club can view it without logging in to Manifest.    Manifest shows you the Projected Annual Return from all the companies on your list so when you are considering a purchase or sale, you can make your decision within the context of your entire portfolio.  It is a great tool to use to perform “what if” studies to figure out  what stocks and how many shares to purchase or sell.  Again,  let us know if you have an interest and I’ll bet we can get Mark Robertson to do a presentation about using ManifestInvesting to track a watch portfolio for your club.

Many people don’t realize this but you can pull your club’s portfolio up instantly in both Yahoo Finance and as a ManifestInvesting dashboard using two buttons which you will find on the Accounting>Investments page.

 Laurie Frederiksen

Laurie and Mark R.

Allowing a link from bivio to Manifesting Investing Dashboard is a nice feature that I have used occasionally.  I would like to suggest an enhancement that allows for an update to an existing bivio club dashboard that was created from bivio.  WDYT?


Marty Eckerle

Hi Marty,

You can, of course, easily create  a new dashboard showing your current holdings.

I’m thinking you want to update a dashboard that you have added other stocks to.  Is that correct?

Letting us know  more specifics on how you’d like to see things work is very helpful to us.


I would love a presentation on how to set up Yahoo to email the club for corporate events.
John Rice
ABODI Investment Club

From: Laurie Frederiksen <>
To: The Club Cafe <>
Sent: Fri, April 9, 2010 7:58:59 AM
Subject: RE: club_cafe: Creating a Watch List

Dear Gail,


Good question.  As Del has said, Yahoo Finance is a very good place to maintain a watchlist.  ManifestInvesting is also.   Yahoo is free.  You can set up a personalized page for your club to track lots of information about stocks you are interested in including news headlines.  You can customize it to show whatever financial data you like to watch and even add a calendar where corporate events are automatically filled in.  You can also set up alerts so that your club receives an email if a stock reaches a certain price or certain corporate events such as earnings announcements and dividend payments are going to occur.    I should probably put a webinar together showing people who are interested how to do some of these things.  Maybe everyone can let me know if they'd have an interest in such a presentation.


ManifestInvesting is not free but a subscription is only $49 for bivio customers.  It is also a great place to keep a watchlist.  Add any stocks you are interested in to a Manifest Dashboard and Mark Robertson will keep an eye on them for you.  You can make a dashboard public so your club can view it without logging in to Manifest.    Manifest shows you the Projected Annual Return from all the companies on your list so when you are considering a purchase or sale, you can make your decision within the context of your entire portfolio.  It is a great tool to use to perform "what if" studies to figure out  what stocks and how many shares to purchase or sell.  Again,  let us know if you have an interest and I'll bet we can get Mark Robertson to do a presentation about using ManifestInvesting to track a watch portfolio for your club.


Many people don't realize this but you can pull your club's portfolio up instantly in both Yahoo Finance and as a ManifestInvesting dashboard using two buttons which you will find on the Accounting>Investments page.




 Laurie Frederiksen


From: Laurie Frederiksen <> I should probably put a webinar together showing people who are interested how to do some of these things.  Maybe everyone can let me know if they'd have an interest in such a presentation.
I would be interested in this type of webinar.
Bob Hooper
Tucson, AZ
 I'd be interested in this kind of webinar also

Sherry Byrnes
M3 Investment Club
-------------- Original message from "Bob & Candi Hooper" <>: --------------

From: Laurie Frederiksen <> I should probably put a webinar together showing people who are interested how to do some of these things.  Maybe everyone can let me know if they'd have an interest in such a presentation.
I would be interested in this type of webinar.
Bob Hooper
Tucson, AZ
I`would also be interested in webinar

Bea Langley
Lady Dabbler Investment Club

Bob & Candi Hooper wrote:
> *From:* Laurie Frederiksen <
> <>> I should probably put a webinar together
> showing people who are interested how to do some of these things.
> Maybe everyone can let me know if they’d have an interest in such a
> presentation.
> I would be interested in this type of webinar.
> Bob Hooper
> Tucson, AZ
Laurie/Bivio Staff:
I have not been successful in getting my club members to understand ManifestInvesting (MI). Indeed, my own efforts with a 30 day free trial of MI were overtaken by the press of my normal Treasurer duties, the passing of several of our members, and the Annual Tax Marathon! We are an "older" club, with an average somewhere well north of 65. The most technical of us are were not born, and are not comfortable with or native to, the internet generation. Online, web-based devices do not come easily to our members. Two of our ( twenty) members have yet to "master" the registration with Bivio, and this despite direct efforts to get them "online". Others are unable to navigate the Bivio website. I am deeply grateful that we have found Bivio - I use it every day and it has transformed and liberated our "books and taxes" into a new generation - but I would like to continue to encourage and educate our members so that they are more aware of the abundant choices that are available, free or otherwise, on the internet.
I'd welcome a continuing webinar series on MI and Bivio, and  I'd encourage our members to attend.
I attend every Bivio or MI webinar that I can squeeze into my calendar. You are doing a great job! Keep up the good work! Nobody every said it would be easy, but it is worth every moment that we can muster, and the clock is always running!!
Best regards,
Leo Cardillo
Treasurer, 711 Investment Club.

From: [] On Behalf Of Laurie Frederiksen
Sent: Friday, April 09, 2010 10:59 AM
To: 'The Club Cafe'
Subject: RE: club_cafe: Creating a Watch List

Dear Gail,

Good question.  As Del has said, Yahoo Finance is a very good place to maintain a watchlist.  ManifestInvesting is also.   Yahoo is free.  You can set up a personalized page for your club to track lots of information about stocks you are interested in including news headlines.  You can customize it to show whatever financial data you like to watch and even add a calendar where corporate events are automatically filled in.  You can also set up alerts so that your club receives an email if a stock reaches a certain price or certain corporate events such as earnings announcements and dividend payments are going to occur.    I should probably put a webinar together showing people who are interested how to do some of these things.  Maybe everyone can let me know if they’d have an interest in such a presentation.

ManifestInvesting is not free but a subscription is only $49 for bivio customers.  It is also a great place to keep a watchlist.  Add any stocks you are interested in to a Manifest Dashboard and Mark Robertson will keep an eye on them for you.  You can make a dashboard public so your club can view it without logging in to Manifest.    Manifest shows you the Projected Annual Return from all the companies on your list so when you are considering a purchase or sale, you can make your decision within the context of your entire portfolio.  It is a great tool to use to perform “what if” studies to figure out  what stocks and how many shares to purchase or sell.  Again,  let us know if you have an interest and I’ll bet we can get Mark Robertson to do a presentation about using ManifestInvesting to track a watch portfolio for your club.

Many people don’t realize this but you can pull your club’s portfolio up instantly in both Yahoo Finance and as a ManifestInvesting dashboard using two buttons which you will find on the Accounting>Investments page.

 Laurie Frederiksen

My club is thinking of joining Manifest Investing or a similar site. We like the idea of being able to take webinars as well as having a watch list.

However, we got a little tripped up on the subscription fee--I'm assuming the $49 is per year, but does this give a single username and password that all of our members can use to access the site? Or would we have to sign up individually? Does anyone have any experience with this?

We are a techy sort of group and we would all want to be able to use the site. Also, are there similar sites that are better/worse etc?


End Game Investments
On Apr 10, 2010, at 4:44 AM, Leo Cardillo wrote:

From: [] On Behalf Of Laurie Frederiksen
Sent: Friday, April 09, 2010 10:59 AM
To: 'The Club Cafe'
Subject: RE: club_cafe: Creating a Watch List

Dear Gail,
Good question.  As Del has said, Yahoo Finance is a very good place to maintain a watchlist.  ManifestInvesting is also.   Yahoo is free.  You can set up a personalized page for your club to track lots of information about stocks you are interested in including news headlines.  You can customize it to show whatever financial data you like to watch and even add a calendar where corporate events are automatically filled in.  You can also set up alerts so that your club receives an email if a stock reaches a certain price or certain corporate events such as earnings announcements and dividend payments are going to occur.    I should probably put a webinar together showing people who are interested how to do some of these things.  Maybe everyone can let me know if they'd have an interest in such a presentation.
ManifestInvesting is not free but a subscription is only $49 for bivio customers.  It is also a great place to keep a watchlist.  Add any stocks you are interested in to a Manifest Dashboard and Mark Robertson will keep an eye on them for you.  You can make a dashboard public so your club can view it without logging in to Manifest.    Manifest shows you the Projected Annual Return from all the companies on your list so when you are considering a purchase or sale, you can make your decision within the context of your entire portfolio.  It is a great tool to use to perform "what if" studies to figure out  what stocks and how many shares to purchase or sell.  Again,  let us know if you have an interest and I'll bet we can get Mark Robertson to do a presentation about using ManifestInvesting to track a watch portfolio for your club.
Many people don't realize this but you can pull your club's portfolio up instantly in both Yahoo Finance and as a ManifestInvesting dashboard using two buttons which you will find on the Accounting>Investments page.
 Laurie Frederiksen

Hi Ellen,
A subscription to Manifest is usually $89 per year. If you're a member of it's $79 per year. So for those of us who love Manifest, the new $49 per year subscription for bivio members is a real boon. But Manifest is an individual membership. Maybe someday, if all works well with the Manifest/bivio partnership, we'll get a single, group rate. Until then, you cannot share your user ID or password.
The Crow River club has always made Manifest an option. Approximately 80% of our members currently subscribe. The dashboard tool provides an indispensible and simple system for deciding which stocks to buy, sell or hold. But our club uses the stock and industry search and comparison tools more than anything.
Other benefits to individual members would be the monthly newsletter and the Tin Cup Portfolio. Whenever anyone signs up for Manifest, I always recommend that they click on Articles, and read every single Tin Cup Portfolio report from the beginning. They're only about a half page long. Some months can be real page turners! And reading them really helps to understand the Manifest method.
The other huge benefit to individuals is the forum. You will find the most thoughtful, intelligent and knowledgeable investors discussing a whole slew of topics. It will increase your learning curve 10-fold in about 6 months regardless if you're a newbie or a veteran.
I've been a member since the beginning, and I highly recommend it. Now, in the beginning, my members didn't want membership to be required. So I started bringing occasional copies of the newsletter along with our club's dashboard to every meeting. It got to the point where members began subscribing on their own because they wanted to see more! So you may wish to start by having one member join, and go from there.,
Hope that helps. Write if you need more.
Lynn Ostrem
Crow River Investment Club

Join me at InvestEd 2010
August 6-8, Baltimore, MD


This is great information, thanks so  much!

What about DO they have a similar set up to manifest investing in terms of clubs? Have whole clubs ever joined better investing under the same account, or do they allow a club discount etc.



On Apr 10, 2010, at 8:32 AM, Lynn Ostrem wrote:

Hi Ellen,
A subscription to Manifest is usually $89 per year.  If you're a member of it's $79 per year.  So for those of us who love Manifest, the new $49 per year subscription for bivio members is a real boon.  But Manifest is an individual membership.  Maybe someday, if all works well with the Manifest/bivio partnership, we'll get a single, group rate.  Until then, you cannot share your user ID or password.
The Crow River club has always made Manifest an option.  Approximately 80% of our members currently subscribe.  The dashboard tool provides an indispensible and simple system for deciding which stocks to buy, sell or hold. But our club uses the stock and industry search and comparison tools more than anything. 
Other benefits to individual members would be the monthly newsletter and the Tin Cup Portfolio. Whenever anyone signs up for Manifest, I always recommend that they click on Articles, and read every single Tin Cup Portfolio report from the beginning.  They're only about a half page long.  Some months can be real page turners!  And reading them really helps to understand the Manifest method.
The other huge benefit to individuals is the forum. You will find the most thoughtful, intelligent and knowledgeable investors discussing a whole slew of topics.  It will increase your learning curve 10-fold in about 6 months regardless if you're a newbie or a veteran. 
I've been a member since the beginning, and I highly recommend it.  Now, in the beginning, my members didn't want membership to be required.  So I started bringing occasional copies of the newsletter along with our club's dashboard to every meeting.  It got to the point where members began subscribing on their own because they wanted to see more!  So you may wish to start by having one member join, and go from there.,
Hope that helps.  Write if you need more.
Lynn Ostrem
Crow River Investment Club

Join me at InvestEd 2010
August 6-8, Baltimore, MD   

Another limb...or possibly a slippery slope! <G>
I'm not the best person to ask about BetterInvesting. Our relationship has been tumultuous, at best. They do have club memberships, but my club (and thousands of others) dropped its membership when management decided to take their focus in a different direction. Today, I know they are trying to get back on track with regards to clubs, but every member must join individually at $79/year, I believe. Then the club pays another fee for which most of us feel is not worth it.
A better choice, in my opinion, is a subsidiary of BetterInvesting, and that's ( Doug Gerlach runs the show, and for the $39 annual individual member fee, you get webinars, data files and stock study tools. I see they are beta testing a portfolio management tool now, too.
A bivio/Manifest/stockcentral combination is what my club uses, and it's complete. Anything else we need can be found online for free. So let's review! $99 for bivio which should be coming out of the general club fund and not from individual members. That leaves $49 for Manifest and $39 for StockCentral which is $88/year, or $7.34 per month for each member. That's one CHEAP education!
Good luck to you. Come back if you need anything else.
Lynn Ostrem
Crow River Investment Club
Lynn Ostrem wrote:
(Better Investing is )trying to get back on track with
regards to clubs, but every member must join individually at
$79/year, I believe.  Then the club pays another fee for
which most of us feel is not worth it. 
For the record, Bettering Investing costs a club $45.00 and
each member of the club $25.00 per year. Our club pays for
the club membership and a membership for each person as a
partnership expense. Each member receives a monthly
magazine, can attend local chapter educational events, can
participate in a monthly SSG presentation via webinar, as
well as other benefits.

Jack Ranby, Treasurer
Grants Partners