Demo Club
When I look at my demo club I see a number of members,
transactions, etc.

I assume it's ok to delete it all. ??
Any reason why I shouldn't??

I intend to restore my backup file to the demo club to
ensure that it all works ok. Any cautions??

Hi Jay,

You can make any changes you like to the demo club information.

Whatever you do will only be temporary as original demo club data
is restored on a regular basis.

Laurie Frederiksen

Is the Demo Club data common and viewed by all?

This is, when I try a restore of my XML file who can view
the data?

Thx .........Jay

Laurie Frederiksen wrote:
> Hi Jay,
> You can make any changes you like to the demo club information.
> Whatever you do will only be temporary as original demo club data
> is restored on a regular basis.
> Laurie Frederiksen
Hi Jay,

No. It's specific to you.

Jay Sternin wrote:
> I intend to restore my backup file to the demo club to
> ensure that it all works ok. Any cautions??

The first time you visit the "My Demo Club" link, we create
a copy of our public demo club for your personal use and
experimentation. A number of features are disabled on
purpose, mostly so people don't ever mistake the demo club
for their real club. However, you can definitely use it to
test the export and import of bivio club data.

You should also know that we automatically delete
personalized demo clubs after about a month or so. Don't
put anything permanent in there.

Eric Dobbs
bivio Inc.