TD Ameritrade total vs Bivio
Does anyone else ever have problems getting their TD
Ameritrade total to match your Bivio total? I go back and
check to make sure that all dividends and interest are added
correctly from Ameritrade to Bivio and still find that
Ameritrade shows our club to have a bit more (at least it's
more!). I was able to complete our taxes for last year with
numbers for dividends matching yet even then the total was
different between the two. I hope this makes sense----I
find it very confusing. Thanks, Lou
Dear Lou,

If there are any differences other than a few cents in
market value, something is missing or incorrect in your

The cash balance and number of shares of each stock you own
should agree exactly between bivio and TDAmeritrade.

You can find out more about the process you should go through
monthly to reconcile your accounts at:

Laurie Frederiksen