Current Valuation for Public Service Enterprise Group
In trying to produce the valuation report for our club, I
note that the valuation report for 3/26/10 has a footnote
that "The following investment(s) do not have current
valuations: 03/19/2010 Public Service Enterprise Group Inc."

I am wondering why that is the case, and how to produce an
accurate valuation report for our club.

Howard Fabry,
Treasurer, Univestors, LLC

Dear Howard,

It is good you have asked this question when you saw that note.  In this case, something changed in the stock price data feed and the price for PEG has not been being updated automatically since 3/19/2010. 

I have fixed the problem for you.  The price is now up to date and will be updated automatically going forward.

Anytime someone sees a note like this on the Valuation report,  you should find out what is going on.  If all stock prices are not kept up to date,  your club’s assets will not be being valued correctly and your accounting will be inaccurate.

Laurie Frederiksen