The bivio Library

When I was a kid,  the library was the place you went to get a book.  The best part was that while you were looking for it, you found lots of other great books that you wanted to read.

In that spirit,  we’ve started the bivio library page.  We hope to make this the place where you come to find an answer and end up browsing for new ideas for operating your club.

It is a work in progress as we go through our archives and bring much of the great material hidden there back “Out on the shelves”.  We hope you will visit often.   You can go directly to the library by going to  You’ll also find a direct link to it from

Laurie Frederiksen



I've just taken a quick browse....and I love the library page. I will let my members know about it too. Looks like it will be a great resource!!

Pam Cler (makingmoney61874)

On Mon, Apr 5, 2010 at 9:13 AM, Laurie Frederiksen <> wrote:

When I was a kid, the library was the place you went to get a book. The best part was that while you were looking for it, you found lots of other great books that you wanted to read.

In that spirit, we've started the bivio library page. We hope to make this the place where you come to find an answer and end up browsing for new ideas for operating your club.

It is a work in progress as we go through our archives and bring much of the great material hidden there back "Out on the shelves". We hope you will visit often. You can go directly to the library by going to You'll also find a direct link to it from

Laurie Frederiksen

Thank you Pam!  Let us know what other topics you’d like to see added.

 Laurie Frederiksen