Your Monthly Financial Report

Each month,  you should review the status of your groups finances.  A monthly report to your group by your treasurer or financial partner should include the first three reports on the Accounting>Reports page  In the next few days,  we’ll go into more detail on how to read and interpret the information you will find on each one.

All bivio accounts should be reconciled with your financial institution information through the date shown on the report.  Reports dated the same day as your meeting should be considered preliminary and should not be used to finalize withdrawal payout amounts.  Stock prices are not updated until late in the evening and AccountSync transactions for that day will be entered the next morning.

The member status and transaction history reports should cover the time frame since your last meeting.

The Valuation Report

The valuation report shows the value of your assets.  This includes both your investments and any cash you have in your accounts.  Your treasurer should demonstrate that this report agrees with your financial institution statements.

The Member Status Report

The member status report shows member contributions which have been recorded since your last meeting and the current status of each members account.  Each member should confirm that his/her payments have been recorded correctly.

The Transaction History Report

The transaction history report shows all the financial transactions that have been recorded in bivio for the time frame reported on.  This includes any income such as dividends or interest,  any stock purchases and sales and any expenses that you’ve had.  All club members should confirm that the transactions entered were agreed to by the club.

Laurie Frederiksen