Portfolio Centric Decision Making
Hello Everyone,

Last night, at my investment club meeting, we
had a fascinating presentation and discussion about managing
our stock holdings using a portfolio-centric decision making
process rather than a stock-centric one.

I'm interested to hear your experiences on this subject.
I have found that making stock choices by evaluating the effect
they will have on my overall portfolio return helps me step back
from getting too enamored of specific companies and helps me to
let go or avoid purchasing them when the conditions really aren't

The ManifestInvesting Challenge club led by Mark Robertson is an online bivio club that is
run using a portfolio centered approach. Their monthly meeting is tonight at 8PM ET and everyone is
invited to attend. You're welcome to just listen to the discussion or you
can participate It's up to you. The discussion is always fascinating
and you may even come away with a few new stock ideas to study for your own
portfolio. Just by attending, you become a member. Each time you attend, you will
receive $200 in virtual Groundhog dollars invested in your

It's a hands on way to learn more about how to invest and to see the value of having
a club to have stock discussions. Hope you will join us!

To register, go to

    Laurie Frederiksen