Form 1065 income question
I'm going over our clubs 1065 form (generated from Bivio) now.

Pages 4 and 5 are totally blank. We are a brand new club, and we made a whopping .34 cents this year!

Is it incorrect that the .34 cents is not reported on the 1065? Or is it too small to generate an entry? I cannot compare it to a 1099 because, since we made less than $10, our broker was not required to send us one.

Our club is meeting to go over taxes tomorrow, so if anyone can give me an answer today it would be much appreciated.



Ellen Shershow Pena Photography

Hello again,

I realized one reason for the blank forms I talked about in my previous message, is that, when I took the Bivio tax interview (and I took it twice to be sure) it seem to be skipping the step about qualifying dividends and and ex-dividend dates.

Again, is this because our club made less than $10? Or is there a hiccup in the system?


Ellen Shershow Pena Photography

On Feb 27, 2010, at 1:55 PM, Ellen Shershow wrote:

I'm going over our clubs 1065 form (generated from Bivio) now.

Pages 4 and 5 are totally blank. We are a brand new club, and we made a whopping .34 cents this year!

Is it incorrect that the .34 cents is not reported on the 1065? Or is it too small to generate an entry? I cannot compare it to a 1099 because, since we made less than $10, our broker was not required to send us one.

Our club is meeting to go over taxes tomorrow, so if anyone can give me an answer today it would be much appreciated.



Ellen Shershow Pena Photography

Ellen Shershow wrote:
> Hello again,I realized one reason for the blank forms I talked about in my previous message, is that, when I took the Bivio tax interview (and I took it twice to be sure) it seem to be skipping the step about qualifying dividends and and ex-dividend dates.Again, is this because our club made less than $10? Or is there a hiccup in the system?Thanks!Ellen


The answer to your question depends on additional facts. You
say your club commenced operations in 2009 and you earned
$0.34. However, you don't mention what your start-up
expenses were; at a minimum you paid for your bivio
subscription. Did you also paid dues to Better
Investing--for the club only or also for the members? You
may have also had costs for photo copies. You also don't
mention whether the $0.34 earnings were gross or net, came
from the interest on your cash position at your brokers and
did your club purchase any securities during the year (I
assume you did not sell any or else you would have had
capital gains or losses).

Assuming your only income was $0.34 in interest from your
broker, then bivio software would round that down to zero in
line 5 of page 4. The deductable expenses, e.g. bivio
subscription, Better Investing dues, photocopy costs, etc.,
should be reflected in line 13d of page 4. If you had any
non-deductable expenses, e.g. social event food & drink,
should be reflected in line 18c of page 4.

If your club incurred any of the above expenses and you have
not entered them in bivio, that would explain why they are
not being included in the 1065.

Even a new club should have entries on page 5. Your
beginning cash would be zero, but your end of year cash
should agree with your broker's statement. If you have not
purchased any securities, line 8 on page 5 should be blank.
However, Line 21, page 5 should reflect zero at beginning of
year, but have a figure for the end of year based on the
amount that your members have contributed during the year
(less your loss caused by start-up expenses-I believe). The
schedule M-1 and M-2 should have figures even if you haven't
purchased any securities and only have a loss from
operations because of the start-up expenses.

If your 1065 is totally blank on page 5, there is something
amiss. I would recommend you contact bivio support on Monday
so they can review your data. Your start-up expenses should
result in reduction of your partner's capital accounts.

Jack Ranby, Treasurer
Grants Partners Investment Club

This is great info--thank you so much!

The 'simple' answer to these questions is that our only start up expense was bivio, at $99, and at the time we did not realize we should enter this in Bivio. Instead, we just waived a certain number of monthly dues from the person who paid it (me).  We now realize this was incorrect and plan not to repeat our mistake in 2010, but for now I thought I should just let it be since it is not reflected in our bank account or our brokerage account.

The .34 was net, as we also lost a few dollars on some stocks, and gained a little bit of interest, however, all of our gains and losses amounted to under $10, hence we did not receive a 1099 from our broker.

So it seems perhaps I should have something reflected on page 5, line 21?

I was planning on handing out K-1's at our monthly club meeting tomorrow, but it seems I may need to simply review taxes with our group and wait to file until I have contacted Bivio.

Would you agree with that?

Thanks again!


Ellen Shershow Pena Photography

On Feb 27, 2010, at 7:32 PM, John W Ranby wrote:

Ellen Shershow wrote:
Hello again,I realized one reason for the blank forms I talked about in my previous message, is that, when I took the Bivio tax interview (and I took it twice to be sure) it seem to be skipping the step about qualifying dividends and and ex-dividend dates.Again, is this because our club made less than $10? Or is there a hiccup in the system?Thanks!Ellen


The answer to your question depends on additional facts. You
say your club commenced operations in 2009 and you earned
$0.34. However, you don't mention what your start-up
expenses were; at a minimum you paid for your bivio
subscription. Did you also paid dues to Better
Investing--for the club only or also for the members? You
may have also had costs for photo copies. You also don't
mention whether the $0.34 earnings were gross or net, came
from the interest on your cash position at your brokers and
did your club purchase any securities during the year (I
assume you did not sell any or else you would have had
capital gains or losses).

Assuming your only income was $0.34 in interest from your
broker, then bivio software would round that down to zero in
line 5 of page 4. The deductable expenses, e.g. bivio
subscription, Better Investing dues, photocopy costs, etc.,
should be reflected in line 13d of page 4. If you had any
non-deductable expenses, e.g. social event food & drink,
should be reflected in line 18c of page 4.

If your club incurred any of the above expenses and you have
not entered them in bivio, that would explain why they are
not being included in the 1065.

Even a new club should have entries on page 5. Your
beginning cash would be zero, but your end of year cash
should agree with your broker's statement. If you have not
purchased any securities, line 8 on page 5 should be blank.
However, Line 21, page 5 should reflect zero at beginning of
year, but have a figure for the end of year based on the
amount that your members have contributed during the year
(less your loss caused by start-up expenses-I believe). The
schedule M-1 and M-2 should have figures even if you haven't
purchased any securities and only have a loss from
operations because of the start-up expenses.

If your 1065 is totally blank on page 5, there is something
amiss. I would recommend you contact bivio support on Monday
so they can review your data. Your start-up expenses should
result in reduction of your partner's capital accounts.

Jack Ranby, Treasurer
Grants Partners Investment Club


I don't believe that Schedules L, M-1 and M-2 are required if the partnership can answer "Yes" to question 6 of Schedule B, therefore there may not be any entries on Ellen's 1065 in these areas.

Carole Jansen
WISE Investment Club

From: John W Ranby <>
Sent: Sat, February 27, 2010 9:32:23 PM
Subject: club_cafe: Re: Tax Interview

Ellen Shershow wrote:
> Hello again,I realized one reason for the blank forms I talked about in my previous message, is that, when I took the Bivio tax interview (and I took it twice to be sure) it seem to be skipping the step about qualifying dividends and and ex-dividend dates.Again, is this because our club made less than $10? Or is there a hiccup in the system?Thanks!Ellen


The answer to your question depends on additional facts. You
say your club commenced operations in 2009 and you earned
$0.34. However, you don't mention what your start-up
expenses were; at a minimum you paid for your bivio
subscription. Did you also paid dues to Better
Investing--for the club only or also for the members? You
may have also had costs for photo copies. You also don't
mention whether the $0.34 earnings were gross or net, came
from the interest on your cash position at your brokers and
did your club purchase any securities during the year (I
assume you did not sell any or else you would have had
capital gains or losses).

Assuming your only income was $0.34 in interest from your
broker, then bivio software would round that down to zero in
line 5 of page 4. The deductable expenses, e.g. bivio
subscription, Better Investing dues, photocopy costs, etc.,
should be reflected in line 13d of page 4. If you had any
non-deductable expenses, e.g. social event food & drink,
should be reflected in line 18c of page 4.

If your club incurred any of the above expenses and you have
not entered them in bivio, that would explain why they are
not being included in the 1065.

Even a new club should have entries on page 5. Your
beginning cash would be zero, but your end of year cash
should agree with your broker's statement. If you have not
purchased any securities, line 8 on page 5 should be blank.
However, Line 21, page 5 should reflect zero at beginning of
year, but have a figure for the end of year based on the
amount that your members have contributed during the year
(less your loss caused by start-up expenses-I believe). The
schedule M-1 and M-2 should have figures even if you haven't
purchased any securities and only have a loss from
operations because of the start-up expenses.

If your 1065 is totally blank on page 5, there is something
amiss. I would recommend you contact bivio support on Monday
so they can review your data. Your start-up expenses should
result in reduction of your partner's capital accounts.

Jack Ranby, Treasurer
Grants Partners Investment Club

Hi Ellen,

Carole is correct.  That is why there are no entries on page 5, schedules L, M1 and M2.

The .34 was rounded to 0 on your Schedule K.  That’s why you don’t see it.

You really ought to record your expense in your records because it is a deductible expense of the club.

You can even do this without it affecting the cash in your brokerage or bank accounts!  Here’s how:

Create an additional account on the Accounting>Accounts page.

Call it Reimbursements

Record your expense as having been paid from that account.

That removes the $99 from your club assets.  In essence,  everyone “chips in” to pay it. 

Next,  record a payment for yourself and show that it was received into the Reimbursement account.

In effect,   your club has used the $99 they “chipped in” to reimburse you with $99 of units in the club for the expense.

If you do this,  everyone will be allocated part of the expense on their K-1’s.  It really is a club expense so Jack is right that

everyone should share in the deduction.

   Laurie Frederiksen

Laurie, Carole and John,

Thank you! As Woody Allen would say, I don't just LOVE that I can get an answer from the listserve on a Saturday night, I LUUUURVE IT!

I also luuuurve that I get to present our completed taxes to my clun tomorrow.


Thanks again,


Ellen Shershow Pena Photography

On Feb 27, 2010, at 8:20 PM, Laurie Frederiksen wrote:

Hi Ellen,
Carole is correct.  That is why there are no entries on page 5, schedules L, M1 and M2.
The .34 was rounded to 0 on your Schedule K.  That's why you don't see it.
You really ought to record your expense in your records because it is a deductible expense of the club.
You can even do this without it affecting the cash in your brokerage or bank accounts!  Here's how:
Create an additional account on the Accounting>Accounts page.
Call it Reimbursements
Record your expense as having been paid from that account.
That removes the $99 from your club assets.  In essence,  everyone "chips in" to pay it. 
Next,  record a payment for yourself and show that it was received into the Reimbursement account.
In effect,   your club has used the $99 they "chipped in" to reimburse you with $99 of units in the club for the expense.
If you do this,  everyone will be allocated part of the expense on their K-1's.  It really is a club expense so Jack is right that
everyone should share in the deduction.
   Laurie Frederiksen

How can I remove my self from the Cafe Club email list?
Subject: club_cafe: Form 1065 income question

I'm going over our clubs 1065 form (generated from Bivio) now.

Pages 4 and 5 are totally blank. We are a brand new club, and we made a whopping .34 cents this year!

Is it incorrect that the .34 cents is not reported on the 1065? Or is it too small to generate an entry? I cannot compare it to a 1099 because, since we made less than $10, our broker was not required to send us one.

Our club is meeting to go over taxes tomorrow, so if anyone can give me an answer today it would be much appreciated.



Ellen Shershow Pena Photography

Laurie Frederiksen wrote:

Carole is correct. (Jack, . . .I don't believe that
Schedules L, M-1 and M-2 are required if the partnership can
answer "Yes" to question 6 of Schedule B. Carole).

Laurie: FYI. The 1065 prepared by bivio for my club has
Schedule B, question 6 marked "yes"; and schedules L, M-1
and M-2 were completed by the program. Since the computer
did the work, I figured it was required. Unless there is a
reason not to have Schedules L, M-1 and M-2 completed, I
plan to leave it as is.

Jack Ranby, Treasurer
Grants Partners

> Laurie: FYI. The 1065 prepared by bivio for my club has
> Schedule B, question 6 marked "yes"; and schedules L, M-1
> and M-2 were completed by the program. Since the computer
> did the work, I figured it was required. Unless there is a
> reason not to have Schedules L, M-1 and M-2 completed, I
> plan to leave it as is.

"Compute additional federal tax schedules" at Administration | Tools | Edit
Club Configuration is normally not checked. When it is checked, Schedules
L, M-1 and M-2 are completed even when they are not required to be.

-Jim Thomas
Jack, I am actually the treasurer of 2 different clubs.  Both could answer "yes" to question 6.  On one 1065, the 3 schedules were filled in, and on the other, they were blank.  I have no idea why, but I left them both the way the program completed them.  It would be interesting to know what the difference in the program is though.


From: John W Ranby <>
Sent: Sat, February 27, 2010 11:21:36 PM
Subject: club_cafe: RE: Re: Tax Interview

Laurie Frederiksen wrote:

Carole is correct. (Jack, . . .I don't believe that
Schedules L, M-1 and M-2 are required if the partnership can
answer "Yes" to question 6 of Schedule B. Carole).

Laurie:  FYI.  The 1065 prepared by bivio for my club has
Schedule B, question 6 marked "yes"; and schedules L, M-1
and M-2 were completed by the program. Since the computer
did the work, I figured it was required. Unless there is a
reason not to have Schedules L, M-1 and M-2 completed, I
plan to leave it as is.

Jack Ranby, Treasurer
Grants Partners
Well, see if I had just read the next e-mail, my question would have been answered....thanks!


From: Jim Thomas <>
To: The Club Cafe <>
Sent: Sun, February 28, 2010 12:01:10 AM
Subject: Re: club_cafe: RE: Re: Tax Interview


> Laurie:  FYI.  The 1065 prepared by bivio for my club has
> Schedule B, question 6 marked "yes"; and schedules L, M-1
> and M-2 were completed by the program. Since the computer
> did the work, I figured it was required. Unless there is a
> reason not to have Schedules L, M-1 and M-2 completed, I
> plan to leave it as is.

"Compute additional federal tax schedules" at Administration | Tools | Edit Club Configuration is normally not checked.  When it is checked, Schedules L, M-1 and M-2 are completed even when they are not required to be.

-Jim Thomas
> How can I remove my self from the Cafe Club email list?

There's a leave button on this page:

Jim Thomas wrote:
> Jack,
> "Compute additional federal tax schedules" at Administration | Tools | Edit
> Club Configuration is normally not checked. When it is checked, Schedules
> L, M-1 and M-2 are completed even when they are not required to be.
> -Jim Thomas

Thanks, Jim. I had not visited that page since I set up the
account four years ago.



We are a new club too.  We had 0.46 dividends and nothing is showing up on our 1065.  No zero-nothing.  The schedule k has nothing on it-no dividends are showing up at all.  Let me know what you find out---this has been a mess for me to figure out.  Bivio support has not helped at all, will not even reply to a email.
