MRK- sold shares

 Need help in entering information with bivio sold shares in
 I entered correct information from broker but message
 appears which states, shares sold exceeds share owned,
 Jennifer Smalls
Hi Jennifer,

You must have had an incorrect number of MRK shares entered in bivio. You
should review your purchase transactions and add or make any corrections needed
so that your number of shares prior to the sale is correct.

You can review all the transactions for MRK by going to Accounting>Investments and
clicking on MRK.

Laurie Frederiksen
The most likely source for this error is a reinvested dividend that wasn't entered correctly. Review your MRK transactions looking for a missing quarterly dividend.
Ira Smilovitz
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Baltimore, MD August 6 - 8, 2010
In a message dated 02/22/10 23:40:35 Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Need help in entering information with bivio sold shares in
I entered correct information from broker but message
appears which states, shares sold exceeds share owned,
Jennifer Smalls